January 17, 2025


What’s Your Cool?

Portable High Frequency For Acne Anti-Aging & Hair Growth (Unboxing, How to Use, Review) Philippines

Portable High Frequency For Acne Anti-Aging & Hair Growth (Unboxing, How to Use, Review) Philippines

Covid19 is still at large. AND I found an amazing gadget that would allow me to do High-Frequency treatment at the comfort of my own home. Yes, Portable High Frequency exist & you can get this for a very reasonable price.

For this review, I took a break on Xiaomi Product review & challenged myself to do something different. Pre-Covid19, I visit derma clinics once a month to get facial service and normally, High Frequency is part of the routine & I really love it. I heard a lot of great benefits from it as well; It is Anti-Bacterial, that is why it is good for pimples & Acne, Ani-Inflamatory, Exfoliating, Anti-Aging… and the best part, it can also help to stimulate hair growth. So why not?

Check out my video for the Unboxing, I will also show you how to use it, enumerate benefits & my review.

Hope you find this helpful! Thank you.
Mr. Funanimous